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Review: Hotel Ruby

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hotel Ruby by Suzanne Young

Release Date: November 3, 2015
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Source: Publisher
Format: ARC
Pages: 288
Amazon | Goodreads

Hotel RubyStay tonight. Stay forever.

When Audrey Casella arrives for an unplanned stay at the grand Hotel Ruby, she’s grateful for the detour. Just months after their mother’s death, Audrey and her brother, Daniel, are on their way to live with their grandmother, dumped on the doorstep of a DNA-matched stranger because their father is drowning in his grief.

Audrey and her family only plan to stay the night, but life in the Ruby can be intoxicating, extending their stay as it provides endless distractions—including handsome guest Elias Lange, who sends Audrey’s pulse racing. However, the hotel proves to be as strange as it is beautiful. Nightly fancy affairs in the ballroom are invitation only, and Audrey seems to be the one guest who doesn’t have an invite. Instead, she joins the hotel staff on the rooftop, catching whispers about the hotel’s dark past.

The more Audrey learns about the new people she’s met, the more her curiosity grows. She’s torn in different directions—the pull of her past with its overwhelming loss, the promise of a future that holds little joy, and an in-between life in a place that is so much more than it seems…

I've got to be honest and say I've never read anything by Suzanne Young prior to reading this. I know, GASP! Totally shocking! I've heard so many positive things about her books, especially the Need So Beautiful and The Program series, both of which I own but haven't read. The premise of this book was interesting and I didn't remember hearing much about this when it released, so when my desperate attempt to clear out my physical TBR collided with my curiosity I answered the call.

In Hotel Ruby our main character Audrey and her family take a small detour and stop in at the hotel to rest before continuing their journey. They are immediately fascinated by the hotels old world glamour and history, and quickly find themselves unable to tear themselves away. Between the spell the hotel has seem to cast on them, as well as the gaggle of interesting guests they just may not ever leave!

First of all, Hotel Ruby isn't really a new concept, just not one very often visited in the YA Genre.  This was very reminiscent of both the now coined Mary Elizabeth series by Joan Lowery Nixon that I read as a teen as well as the whole Tower of Terror movie. 

There were quite a few mysterious elements that kept me surging forward in the book to get to the bottom of the story. There's obviously more going on than meets the eye, but I wasn't exactly sure just how much. This isn't my favorite in this style of story, I much rather prefer the books written by Jane Lowery Nixon, but it was interesting enough. There is a bit of intrigue that kept me pushing forward despite the slow beginning to the story. I was however a bit disappointed that the mysterious and intriguing parts of the story didn't turn out to be as interesting or exciting as I had initially hoped. 

What I did love was the descriptive and world building that the author used. I felt like the way she told the story and set the scene made it really come to life and I felt like I was personally walking through a really lavish hotel myself! While this wasn't my favorite in this type of genre it was okay and I will still be picking up other books by this author in the future.


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