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200 Follower Giveaway Winner and More!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hey Everyone!

Well my 200 follower giveaway is over, and the winner of a box of arcs is Amanda. Yay!!! *cheers and throws confetti* The box is currently on it's way to it's new home with Amanda where I'm sure she will cherish them as much as I do! Right? haha

So I know lately it doesn't quite "appear" as if I've been doing a lot of reading. But trust me, I have! I've just been so distracted by all the amazing books coming out later this year, and I can't seem to stop myself from reading them right away! So I have lots of reviews scheduled for the next 2 or 3 months and another large stack of books that seems to keep growing.

As you can see, these are getting a little out of hand! I was hoping to save them to do another giveaway when I hit the 300 follower mark. But...that is still a ways off, and I'm sure by then I'll have a whole other pile to giveaway! 

So I've decided to follow in my good blogger friend, Jen's, footsteps. Starting this week, I will be implementing a Comment Giveaway. The way this will work is, every time you comment on a blog post, you will gain one entry into the contest. You don't need to fill out a raffle copter or any forms. I'll take care of it for you. At the end of the week, or two weeks ( it will all depend on how big my stack is ) I will enter all the names into the randomizer and it will select a winner. The winner will then get to chose an arc from the list I email them, and I will send it on it's way! Simple right?

Unforunately, this will have to be US residents only, because I can't afford international shipping. Sorry guys! I will occasionaly throw in an ebook giveaway for my international friends, to be chosen from my ebook steals and deals posts. So don't worry, you guys aren't left out!

So, pretty simple, right? If you didn't win the box of arc's, don't despair! I will draw a winner for the comment's contest on Sunday! So you still have a chance at earning an entry.

Happy Reading!


  1. Great idea for a giveaway! I may have to do something like that as well!

    1. Thank you. Jen was the brilliant one who thought of it and it works so well on her blog and is so much fun! I thought it'd be fun to try.

  2. Yay -- hope you guys love doing it. I just picked some winners last night and am emailing them today!

    PS Crossing my fingers that blogger fixed the comment problem....

    1. I've been having that issue commenting on other problems. ANd I'm sure this is gonna be a total blast! Can't wait. Let the games begin! hehe

  3. Congrats on the followers and thanks so much for the giveaway! I love comment giveaways! Can't wait to read your posts and reviews :)

    1. Thank you Krista! And thanks for stopping by my blog. I've got lots of fun stuff planned for APril, including a Prom Theme'd giveaway! Eek! So definately keep checking back! :)

  4. Awesome idea. Those are a lot of great books. *steals Slide and Dead to You* Lol!!

    1. haha I'm actually getting Dead To You signed by the author next week. And then it will "officially" be int he giveaway pile. hehe It's in limbo at the moment LOL

  5. Great idea! :)) Congrats on the followers too :D

  6. Congratulations on the followers! This is a great idea. :)

  7. Does it matter what we comment on to be entered? ie: only new posts or commenting on old posts will count too?

    1. Hey kali! It doesn't matter what you comment on. I appreciate all comments, whether it's a new or old review or post. Obviously I will see comments on new posts sooner, but I will go through the comments section on blogger and enter all coments for that week into the randomizer.

  8. I am really excited for this giveaway! Good idea.

    1. I'm excited too! I think it's a great idea and I think it's gonna be a blast! :)

  9. Love the idea and i am very excited for this giveaway lol. Lots of mystery =D


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  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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