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Trends in YA: Re-tellings

Saturday, March 31, 2012

There are definitely trends in the Young Adult world. Whether it be the paranormal, vampires, zombies or dystopians. This year I think the biggest trend has to be Re-telling's. I am beyond thrilled about this one because I LOVE re-telling's!

One of the reasons why I love them so much, is that they can open up a whole new generation of kids to the classics. If done in the right way, re-telling's get you excited all over again! They have you telling everyone about them, running to the library to check out the original. Before you know it your even checking out other classics and falling in love all over again. Books are timeless! Re-telling's reknew our love for the oldies, but goodies. And that's why I love them so much!

So much to my delight, I have noticed quite a steady increase in re-telling's. I believe re-telling's will be the IT trend for 2012 and one that I am beyond ecstatic about! So I thought I would share some of my favorite re-telling's as well as upcoming re-telling's that I am really excited about.

If you'd like to find out more about a particular book, just click on the title and it will take you right to the goodreads page. So let's get started!


 Beastly by Alex Flinn
I read this one and fell head over heels in love with it! It's a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. Who doesn't love that classic fairy tale? Yes, it is also a movie. But the book is sooo much better! So if you haven't read it, you should do it! Like..NOW!


Jane by April Lindner
I am a HUGE fan of Jane Eyre. I read the book every year, and have watched
every Jane Eyre movie ever made. In fact, once a year my friend and I watch
all the Jane Eyre versions back to back. I think this may just be my favorite
re-telling EVER! It is amazing! I lent it out to all of my friends who fell in love
with it as well! If you haven't read this one, you really need to! I think the author
perfectly brought Jane into the modern world!

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)   

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I think every girl loves the classic Cinderella fairy tale. This was a unique and fresh take on Cinderella. Written as a dystopian and set in New Beijing, this one was definitely an epic read for 2012! I love that it's a series and the author is going to tackle more classics in the other books. I can't wait!

New Girl

New Girl by Paige Harbison
I am a big fan of Rebecca. I love the book, the movie. I just love the story itself! I was beyond ecstatic when I heard that New Girl was a re-telling of Rebecca. I absolutely adored it and it is right up there in my top 3 favorite re-telling's EVER! I couldn't stop gushing about this one, and I still can't!

Pretty Crooked

Pretty Crooked by Elisa Ludwig
I've always really enjoyed the story of Robin Hood. The whole, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Maybe because I'd always secretly wished someone would be there to deliver mysterious items to my family if we were ever in need. But that's besides the point. I loved that this is a modern take with a female as the heroine. It's just a really fun read and I love that it's a series!

Illuminate (Gilded Wings, #1)

Illuminate by Aimee Agresti
I didn't know until I picked it up and started reading it, that Illuminate is a re-telling of The Picture of Dorian Gray by  Oscar Wilde. I have to say, I am really enjoying this book. I am in the middle of reading it right now, and it's quite intriguing. Plus, the author used to write for US Weekly. My favorite gossip mag. How awesome is that!

This Dark Endeavor

This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel
This is a pre-frankenstein story and I have to say, it's amazing! Also in my top 3 favorite re-tellings. I was so excited when I found out this book has been optioned for film. I think I am more excited to see this on the big screen than I am Hunger Games. It's gonna be epic! And I am dying to read the sequel Such Wicked Intent.

Prom and Prejudice

Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg
You guessed it! This one is a re-take on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I have not read this one, but I plan on correcting this problem very soon!


Scarlet by A.C Gaughen
As I stated earlier, I've always been intrigued by the story of Robin Hood. I have yet to read this one but I promise to make time to read it very soon. I've heard so much praise for this book! I plan on getting my hands on a copy of this as soon as possible! Although, I promise not to steal it from a high and mighty book store!

Sass & Serendipity

Sass and Serendipity by Jennifer Ziegler
Obviously, this is a re-telling of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. I have yet to read this one but I really want to. I love the cute cover and the story sounds adorable. Summer read maybe?

A Breath of Eyre (Unbound, #1)

A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont
This one isn't exactly a re-telling. But it's pretty close! This is sort of a re-telling backwards! In this book the main character is catapulted from the modern world, into Jane Eyre's body and her life at Thornfield. Eeek! I need to read my copy like right this second! Plus, I love this cover!

When You Were Mine

When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle
This is a re-telling of the most tragic love story ever told! Romeo and Juliet. Squeee! Be still my beating heart! I've always had a hard time getting through Shakespeare's work. It's a foreign language to me! But I totally plan on embracing this modern take on it. What about you?

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
I've always enjoyed the story of Peter Pan and feel like it's one of the more understate classic tales. I am beyond ecstatic about this one! I think this is gonna be an epic read of 2012 and I am personally dying to get a copy of it!

For Darkness Shows the Stars

For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund
I was super excited for this one when I found it's a sci-fi  take on Jane Austen's Persuasion. My first thoughts, were incredible. And then I quickly began to think that this could be amazing or really, really, bad. I read my copy as soon as I got it, and it is for sure one of my fave 2012 reads! It is absolutely amazing! So look for my review closer to the release date.  And you may as well pre-order this one, your gonna love it!

Masque of the Red Death

Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
Masque is a re-telling of Edgar Allen Poe's novel of the same title. Again, I am really excited about this one and have heard really great things about everyone who has read it. I look forward to checking this one out!


Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
This is a re-telling of The Princess and the Frog, which is probably one of my favorite tales! I love frogs! Weird, right? I collect all things frog, and am so excited about this one! Plus I love the cover. I mean, I would totally wear that dress! And possibley kiss a frog too! If I knew it would turn into a handsome prince that is!

There were so many re-telling's that I wasn't able to list them all. I had no idea until I started re-searching, how many there really were. I will be posting a part 2 to this, so if you know of any I  missed, feel free to let me know in the comments!

Have you had a chance to read any of these re-telling's? Which classic tales are your favorites? And which of these are you most looking forward to reading? I'd love to know so make sure you leave me a comment!

Happy Reading!


  1. I love re-tellings too. I am dying to read Tiger Lily!! I loved Masque. I requested When You Were Mine form the pub, but I don't think I am getting it since that was weeks ago. Great post!! I didn't realize Illuminate was a re-telling. I won a copy of it, but I haven't gotten it yet.

  2. Oh my, you did this list just for me, didn't you, lol! I love re-tellings and have been on the look out to add more to my list!
    This Dark Endeavor was really good - at first, I didn't like it, but once I finished it and thought about it for a bit, it grew on me and it is a good one to get into!
    Someone sweet just RAK'd me A Breath of Eyre and I cannot wait to start reading it this week!
    The rest are on my list already, except for Jane! I have not heard of that one and am so happy that you added it here! It sounds wonderful!
    Lots of exclamation points, so sorry, lol!
    Thanks so much for sharing your list, have a fab weekend and happy reading :)

  3. firstly, thanks for the post and suggestions :)

    I have red Cinder so far and can say the Lunar Chronicles is the best dystopian/fairy tale retelling I red in a long time.

    Two new upcoming retelling that caught my eye are
    Snow White Sorrow ( which supposedly the first book in a series that's called the Grimm Diairies )
    and Milk, blood, and chockolate which claims to be the snow white's evil queen TRUE story ( I like that )

    here is the goodreads link if you like for the Grimm diaries


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