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February 2012 Wrap-Up

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hello Lovelies~

2012 came in like a lightning flash! I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by! And there have been so many amazing books coming out since the new year rang in. And there are sooo many more amazing books I am looking forward to. I can't believe we are already into March and spring titles. My how time flies!

My goals for 2012 were to find the time to read/blog more, hit the 200 follower mark (hopefully) and spend more visiting other blogger's sites and comment back!

I FINALLY hit the 200 follower mark. *cheers and throws confetti* Which means there will be a giveaway coming pretty soon. I'm hoping to give away a box FULL of arc's! Now I just need to pick up my reading pace so I can make that happen soon-ish.

I was ill for most all of February which made reading a challenge for me. Definitely not as successful a month as January was, but I'm picking up my pace, finding my groove, and I have high hopes that March will be epic!

Despite all the challenges I faced during February I was still able to read 6 books. Not nearly as bad as I thought. I also had a total of 16 blog posts. Only 10 down from last month. So not too bad at all! I thought when I did my wrap-up post I'd realize how miserably I failed this month, but I'm finding out I didn't do as bad as I thought! I am very pleased with what I was able to accomplish this month while being sick, and hope to make even more progress this month!

The Books
Fever (The Chemical Garden #2) by Lauren DeStefano
Fracture by Megan Miranda
Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan
The List by Siobhan Vivian (review to come closer to release date)
The Catastrophic History Of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg
The Stalker Chronicles by Carley Moore

The Challenges
  • I read 6 books towards my goal of 100 for the 2012 Goodreads Reading Challenge. Bringing me to a total of 14 books for the year.
  • I also read 4 books towards my goal for the 2012 YA Contemporary Challenge. Bringing my total to 8 books towards my goal of 15.
  • I read 0 books towards my TBR Pile Challenge. Booo! haha Bad Crissy! In my defense there were so many amazing upcoming books that I just couldn't help but dig into. My goal is to read 2 books from my TBR each month for a total of 24 for the year. So I failed this month but year to date I have read 3 books towards my goal of 24. Only leaving me behind by 1! Not too shabby!
  • And last but not least I read 3 books towards the 2012 Debut Author Challenge bringing me to a total of 7 for the year
Random Act's of Kindness
My good friend Amy and tv buddy sent me an audio book of Laini Taylor's of Lips Touch. Amy also sent me some awesome Incarnate swag as well as an awesome signed bookplate from Leigh Fallon for my fave book of all time, Carrier of the Mark! Squee!

My friend Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads sent me Hallowed, Unearthly, and Everneath for a book signing I was going to. She was so sweet and I can't wait to read all 3 of them!

And last but not least Holly Cupala sent a signed copy of Don't Breathe A Word as well as some really awesome swag, which I will treasure always!

Despite being sick, February turned out to be a really great month for me! I have a feeling March will be even more amazing and I can't wait for all of the amazing books that will be releasing this month. I hope you had an equally, if not better, month then I did!

Leave me a comment and let me know what goals you were able to accomplish this month. Until next month...

Happy Reading!



  1. You did awesome this month with being so sick! I hope that March is a great month for you and you can get more done on your challenges.

  2. You had a great month! I just finished The List and I have Fever on my TBR.

    My blog goal is to get organized again -- February I felt I was barely keeping up too!


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  • This blog is a little bit of everything!
  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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