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Nail Your Books (5)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nail Your Books is an original feature that I created to show off off some awesome book related nail ideas! It can be anything from a book inspired design to a really cute matching nail polish. This feature combines my love of both books and nail polish. Some people match their nails to their outfit, I match mine to my books!

The Turning

Hello Lovelies!

This week's edition of Nail Your Books was inspired by The Turning by Francine Prose. We've been having so much rainy weather, that I was in the mood for a little bit of a darker, creepy read! The cover toatally inspired me! I loved all the contrasting shades and how the lights and the title sort of seem to "glow" in this great spooky way! I couldn't help but create a very special mani to match this book.

The Supplies

Seche Clear, Crystal Clear Base Coat
Wet N Wild Fergie Collection in Grammy Gold
Wet N Wild Fergie Collection in Heels of Steel
Wet N Wild Fergie Collection in Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night
Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Make up sponge

To make this look we'll be using a method of painting called gradient. It's really easy, super fun, and it looks incredible! It's super versatile and the possabilities are endless. I adore it! To best explain how to do this method I will refer you to a really awesome nail blogger that I love, The Nailasaurus. Her tutorial is super easy, and best of all, its a picture tutorial! What could be simpler? So make sure you go HERE to check it out!

Did you do that? Great! Now your ready for an awesome and super fun mani! I always  make sure to start off by using a great clear base coat so my nails don't get stained. I like to use Seche Clear but you can use whatever you have. Next I applied 1 coat of Wet N Wild Fergie Collection in Grammy Gold. I am totally obsessed with this collection and have made it my personal aim to collect every polish in it! This is truly the prettiest gold polish I own and I adore it!

Once that dries you will go back over the gold using the gradient method. I used foil to put my polish on, and then used the toothpick to blend just like in the tutorial. A little trick that I recommend, is to soak your make up sponge in water and wring it out before you start. The moisture in the sponge keeps it from soaking up ALL the polish you will put on your sponge, so that more of it makes it onto your nail. For my gradient I chose to place the darker color at the base of my nails rather than the tips. That's totally a personal preferance so just do whatever you like!

Go over your nails with this gradient technique as many times as you want, until you get the desired affect! I went over each nail twice. It's okay if your nails start to look like a wall of paint that's been sponged to death. Mine did to, but a top coat will fix it, I promise! ;) Once your gradient dries, put 1 coat of Wet N Wild Fergie Collection in Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night ( my fave glitter EVER!!!) on top. Once that is dry , seal it with a good top coat and voila!

I know it takes a few extra steps but it is totally worth it! This mani is breathtaking in person, and I cannot tell you how many people stopped me to ask how I did it. You seriously will not regret it!

I love how this captures the darkness and the eery light peeking through. It was totally fitting for this book, and it looked amazing! 

So what do you think of my book inspired mani? Will you be trying this one out? I'd love to know! So make sure you leave me some comment love and don't forget to stop back by tomorrow for my review of The Turning.

Happy Reading!


  1. ooh that is really pretty!! I hope that next time you give us the step by step directions but with pictures? i think that would be more fun!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. Ooo, it looks amazing!!! Love the look so much :)

  3. Cristina, I just LOVE your Nail Your Books series idea. So awesome that I couldn't resist sharing it on my author FB page, Yay! Looking forward to many more nail hints - and heaps more book reviews - in the future, oh Magical Nail Princess :)

  4. I don't wear much nail polish, but the idea of doing this is awesome.

  5. I found your Nail Your Books feature thanks to Melissa pinnning your Unbreak My Heart mani and I love it! I do book manis too :D

  6. I love this feature. I looked and looked for one that was both book and nail polish related online and never found one. Finally, I decided I was going to create my own feature, but never got around to starting it. And then a few days ago, I stumbled across another bloggers post of this same feature. I had to come check it out! This is great, and I hope you don't mind me doing the feature on my own blog from now on :)


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  • This blog is a little bit of everything!
  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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