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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The 2013  Reading Road Trip is hosted by Britta at I Like These Books and Hafsah at Icey Books

Hi Y'all! Today's stop in the Reading Road Trip brings us to the wonderful state, and my home, Texas! Eeek!!! I love this big beautiful state so much, but of course, I might be a tad bit partial! hehe

Here are a few Cool Facts about the lone star state!

  1. The King Ranch in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island
  2. Dr Pepper was invented in Waco texas in 1885 and is still produced here! Dublin Dr Pepper, still uses pure imperial cane sugar in its products.
  3. Texas includes 267,339 square miles, or 7.4% of the nation's total area.
  4.  Brazoria County (where I live!) has more species of birds than any other comparable area in North America.
  5.  Jalapeno pepper jelly originated in Lake Jackson (where I was born!) and was first marketed in 1978.


all swole up
proud and self-abosorbed.
chester drawers
           that piece of furniture you put your socks in.
come hell or high water
shows determination to proceed, regardless of the problems, obstacles, etc.
tough and/or bad tempered man, woman or horse.
fess up
fit to be tied
really upset.
food; the rest of the meal, excluding the main dish.
fixin' ta
getting ready to do something.
an extraordinary amount of rain.
How do you do?
over yonder
a directional phrase meaning "over there."
whole nuther thing
soemthing else entirely


Now, if you're gonna say things Texans say, you've got to be sure to get the pronunciation right. Here's the biggest tip I can give you. In Texas, the "g" in the suffix "ing" is silent. Thus, "fixing to" becomes "fixin' to." You get the idea!

Texas is home to some pretty fabulous YA Authors, here's a list of a few of my favorites:

  • Mary Lindsey
  • C.C. Hunter
  • Sophie Jordan


I will be giving away an ARC of Reboot by Amy Tintera. This is a YA Dystopian that takes place in the Republic of Texas and I LOVE it!!! So I thought I'd share it with ya'll!!! Make sure to enter the rafflecopter and a winner will be chosen on Monday. Good luck and happy reading! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I loved this post! Following you on Bloglovin!

    1. awe thank you! I adore your blog. I read it regularly! :)

  2. I love this stop! I also enjoyed learning about Dr. Pepper, as it is the drink I crave when I allow myself to have a soda - so good. Thanks so much for hosting.

    1. eeek! I was so pumped to be hosting my state this year! hehe I hope I get picked to participate again next year. It was a blast! :)

  3. So fun -- I love traveling and learning about regional foods and slang -- our country is such a diverse and fascinating place!

    1. It REALLY is!!! It differs so much from state to stae and I adore learning it all!

  4. I am from TX so I am really jealous that you got this state!!! I usually make a big long trip to it every year since I have family in several cities there. I am hosting Utah so stop on by!
    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. I wanted Texas sooo bad last year but I didn't get it. :( So I was super excited about getting it this year. hehe


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  • This blog is a little bit of everything!
  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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