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Review: Shadow of the Mark (Carrier #2)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Shadow of the Mark (Carrier #2) by Leigh Fallon
Release Date: July 9, 2013
Publisher: Harper Teen
Source: ARC from tour
Format: ARC
Pages: 352
Amazon | Goodreads

Shadow of the Mark (Carrier, #2)

Leigh Fallon’s Shadow of the Mark, the sequel to Carrier of the Mark, is a captivating love story set against the lush backdrop of Ireland.

Megan knew she was destined to be with Adam from the first moment she saw him and now they are determined to be together. But Megan and Adam are Marked Ones, and a romance between two Marked Ones is strictly forbidden…and could cause worldwide devastation.

Leigh Fallon’s Shadow of the Mark is a great choice for readers who love Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush.

I was so blown away by Leigh Fallon's first book in this series, Carrier of the Mark. And I feel like I waited an eternity for book 2. But, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that it was so totally worth it!!!

If I thought the first book was incredible, this one blew my mind, in the most amazing way EVER!!! I honestly can't say enough how phenomenal this book was.

Shadow Of The Mark picked up right where the last book ended. I was afraid since it had been so long since I read the first book, that I'd need a refresher but that wasn't the case at all. Immediately within the first few pages, all my feelings for the character's came flooding back to me.

I love how rich this story is in mythology which I think is part of my attraction to it. It sucks you in and before you know it, your addicted! I loved seeing Megan and Adam's love for each other grow and blossom, but my heart ached for them as they desperately tried to find ways to be together. There were so many twists and turns, and I read on in disbelief, wondering myself who the "marked ones" could trust and who they couldn't.

This story is so completely engrossing that you absolutely can't put it down, and it haunts you long after you finish the last page. I cried, like ugly cried, I felt a numb disbelief, I felt love and power. It was an icredible journey and now I am dying for the next book in the series. This is one of those few series where the books keep getting better and better!

1 comment :

  1. I remember that Carrier of the Mark was one of your favorite books, so I'm really glad that you loved this!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics


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