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Review: The Assassin Game

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Assassin Game by Kirsty McKay

Release Date:  August 2, 2016
Publisher:  Sourcebooks Fire
Source:  Publisher
Format:  eARC
Pages:  336
Amazon  |  Goodreads

The Assassin Game

Who will be left after lights out?
At Cate's isolated boarding school, Killer is more than a game- it's an elite secret society. Members must avoid being "Killed" during a series of thrilling pranks, and only the Game Master knows who the "Killer" is. When Cate's finally invited to join the Assassins' Guild, she know it's her ticket to finally feeling like she belongs. 
But when the game becomes all too real, the school threatens to shut it down. Cate will do anything to keep playing and save the Guild. But can she find the real assassin before she's the next target?

The Assassin Game was originally published in the UK as "Killer Game"  I never read it then, but I am so happy that I read it now. This kind of book is right up my alley! The main character Cate is sent to a remote boarding school on an island that her parent's own, cuz...that's totally normal! haha I was really fascinated with this boarding school itself and it's history oddly enough. It has been around for over 100 years and had even been a lunatic asylum until the 60's when it was turned into a school for gifted kids.  Anyways... at her school there is an elite secret society with a very select group chosen every year. They must participate in hazing type tactics in order to be initiated into the group. Then start the annual Assassin Games. Each year a "killer" is picked who through a series of pranks picks off their team mates one by one until their identity is guessed OR they are the last one standing.

The story itself reminded me of Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" so if you enjoy that type of story, like I do, then you will love this book! I was pretty impressed by the pranks and how well thought out and elaborate they were. Things however, take a turn for the serious as the pranks begin to grow more sinister and the race is on to find out who the "Killer" is!

I devoured this book in one sitting, reading until 5 am when I could hardly see anymore. I raced through the pages dying to know what would happen next and who was behind it all. Throughout the book I had my guesses and I was completely wrong each time.

This was a fast paced, heart pounding suspenseful read and one of my favorite reads of the year!

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