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In My Mailbox (9) The One Where I Fall Asleep...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi the storysiren. This is where us bloggers get a chance 
to show you what we got this wk! Bookish related of course!

Some people *coughs* Loretta *coughs* were asking me where my IMM was. Well...YouTube ate the first one! THe second one I looked like a silent but enthusiastic fan girl. I'm hoping third time is the charm! I'm honestly so exhausted, that if it's not, thats as good as it's gonna get! So without further ado...

Borrowed from the Library
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Peble

Dirty Little Secret by C.J. Omololu

For Review
Winter Town by Stephen Emond

DJ Rising by Love Maia

The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Caroly Mackler

Kindle Fire! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Thanks Dad :)

And last but not least, an IMM by The Princess of Storyland ( oh yeah! Thats me!) wouldn't be an IMM without a few stills! 

Seriously YouTube??? You ATE my video??? Yeah, thanks for that! *sighs*
Totally fell asleep waiting on video 3 to upload. Third time's the charm! Right?
I totally <3 the Library!

I TOTALLY Squeed when this came in the mail! Wouldn't you???
Practicing my French! Oui?

Too tired to even hold my head up at this point!
Good Night folks!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! Leave me a comment and let me know what you got in your mailbox this week or leave me a link to yours! I LOVE IMM's! Don't forget to enter my November giveaway for a finished copy of The Pledge by Kimberly Derting!


Friday, November 25, 2011

“Dead girl walking,” the boys say in the halls.
“Tell us your secret,” the girls whisper, one toilet to another.I am that girl.I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.

Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the skinniest. But what comes after size zero and size double-zero? When Cassie succumbs to the demons within, Lia feels she is being haunted by her friend’s restless spirit.

In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the multiple-award-winning Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson explores Lia’s descent into the powerful vortex of anorexia, and her painful path toward recovery.

Many years ago I was watching a movie on lifetime ( yes, I am a lifetime movie addict!) called Speak with a very young Kristen Stewart. For some reason that movie haunted me, but in an incredible way! I quickly picked up the book and devoured it just as quickly and ferociously as I did the movie. I was completely mesmerized by Laurie Halse Anderson's writtng and have been ever since then!

Wintergirls has been on my TBR list for quite some time and I am so glad I finally made the time to read it. In a writing style all Laurie's she totally captivates you with the story and takes you into the struggles of teen girls with eating disorders.

Growing up I knew so many young girls with this horrible self image problem. In a society so hung up on image, I think this is an issue that has only gotten worse with time! Unfortunately with very serious and deadly consequences.

I loved how Laurie tackled this very serious issue, in a way that no one else can! She really gets inside the heads of any young girl with a body image issue in such a way that is bone chilling! With so many girls and women suffering from these problems, I am so glad someone wrote a very honest and gritty look into eating disorders, and their deadly consequences! A definate must read!

Yet another amazing book by Laurie Halse Anderson! In my book she can do no wrong. This is a definately must read, especially if you know anyone who is battling with an eating disorder. You won't regret picking this book up!

November Giveaway

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey Everyone!

I hope November has been an incredible month for everyone. It's about to get even better! Thanks to the awesome folks at Simon and Schuster for providing a finished copy of Kimberly Derting's amazing new book The Pledge. Trust me when I say, this is one book you don't want to miss!

I honestly didn't think I was going to have a giveaway this month, so a big thank you to the Simon and Schuster team for making this giveaway possible! I'm so excited about this one, because its such an awesome book!

Please enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win a copy of The Pledge. There will only be one winner, so make sure you take advantage of the extra ways to enter and goodluck!

How To Rock Braces and Glasses

Sunday, November 20, 2011

In My Mailbox (8)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi the storysiren. This is where us bloggers get a chance 
to show you what we got this wk! Bookish related of course!

Borrowed From the LIbrary
Crossed by Ally Condie
Sheltered by Harlan Coben
The Help by Katherine Stockett
Past Perfect by Leila Sales

Random Acts of Kindness
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma 
-Thank you to Loretta at Between the Pages
The Pledge Swagpack by Kimberly Derting

- Thank you to AMY ( I am sooo sorry I kept calling you Amber! This is what comes of filming after midnight! =/ You know I <3 you!!! ) at Book Loving Me
Kindle Fire
- Thank you Pops! I LOVE it!!! I squeed when it came in the mail! :)

WonMoon Coin by Richard Due and Carolyn Arcabascio

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern ( autographed! Eeek!)
Jenny Pox by JL Bryan  (it's FREE on Kindle so get a copy!!)
I Am Become Death by Roco Ryg ( its also free on Kindle!!!)
Unveiled by Trisha Wolfe ( I've been DYING for this bk but its Kindle only. The cover is gorgeous and I can't wait to start reading it!

This is literally the look on my face when I got my Pledge swag pack in the mail! lol
Thanks Amy!!! You made my day Chica! <3
Thank you Loretta! I'll let you know what I think about it! :)
Gotta take some time out to fix the hair! haha You know you do it too so hush!
Squeee!!! A signed copy of The Night Circus! *cheers and throws confetti*

So a LOT of people have been telling me they LOVE the still shots on my IMMs. So let me know in the comments which you like better. Still shots versus vlog, or both? You can decide how my IMMs will be done! So don't forget to vote and let me know and whichever gets the  most votes wins!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my IMM this wk. Leave me a link in the comments to your IMM, I'd love to see it. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and happy reading!

2012 TBR Pile Challenge

Friday, November 18, 2011

We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us.. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up..

Join us on a quest to dust off your TBR Pile and read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time you'll get a chance.. This is your chance! 

This is my very first time participating in the TBR Pile Challenge and I am VERY excited about it! Here is my list of books I am going to dust off and read during 2012. My goal is to read 2 bks off of my TBR pile each month. So this is just a short list of some books from my TBR list I really want to squeze in.

1.) Extraordianry by Nancy Werlin
2.) Wither by Lauren DeStefano
3.) Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
4.) Pretty Little Liars bk 1 by Sarah Shephard

Leave me a comment and let me know if you will be participating in the TBR Pile Challenge this year and a link to your list of books you will be reading if you have one! Even if you aren't participating let me know what books you really want to try to read from your TBR pile this next year.

2012 Debut Author Challenge

Ok so the 2012 Debut Author Challenge start up is right around the corner! I waited too late to sign up last year, and I really miseed it! I had participated in past years, but this is the first year I will be blogging AND participating!

If your intrested in signing up or learning more about it, click on the button above and head on over to The Story Siren's blog to check it out and sign up!

Here is my list of books to read for the 2012 challenge. These are the ones I am DYING to read. I may read more or less, it just depends!

1.) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
2.) Everneath by Brodi Ashton
3.) Fracture by Megan Miranda
4.) Cinder by Marissa Meyer
5.) Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
6.) Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay
7.) The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges
8.) A Breath of Eyre by Eva Marie Mont
9.) Of Posiedon by Anna Banks
10.) The Selection by Keira Cass
11.) Harbinger by Sarah Wilson Etienne
12.) The Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker

Let me know if your participating in DAC 2012 and leave me a link to your start up post. I'd love to see what your going to be reading!

The Pledge

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In My Mailbox (7)

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi the storysiren. This is where us bloggers get a chance 
to show you what we got this wk! Bookish related of course!

Random Act's of Kindness 
Pretty Little Liars Box Set- Bks 1 to 4 by Sara Shephard
Love Story by Jennifer Echols
Thank you so much to my friend Loretta at Between the Pages You rock my socks!

Borrowed from the Library
Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton
As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

For Review
Rock On by Denise Vega
The Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker
How to Rock Braces and Glasses by Meg Haston
Thank you Sam at Peace Love and Ya for the awesome books and it was wonderful meeting you!

Book Swap
The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder
Thank you to Amanda at Letter's Inside Out for swapping with me! :)

Don't Breathe a Word
Thank you to Candace at Candace's Book Blogand also Alexa at Pages of Forbidden Love

Thank you to Sam at the Bay City Library! Check out her blog HERE

 Thank you sooo much to Loretta at Between the Pages! Your a doll! :)
 Thank you t Amanda at Letters Inside Out for taking Shatter Me off of my hands! ;)
And last but not least, thank you to Candace at Candace's Books Blog and Alexa at Pages of Forbidden Love

Leave me a comment and let me know what you got in your mailbox this week. I hope your all having a fantastic week and happy reading!

The Time Traveling Fashionista

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In My Mailbox (6)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi the storysiren. This is where us bloggers get a chance 
to show you what we got this wk! Bookish related of course!

Every week when I do my IMM my voice is out of synch with my lips, and you can't hear much of anything I say. lol So trying out something new this week...hope it works. I had to cut my IMM short because someone kept knocking on my door and interupting me. I wanted to mention I'm working on a HUGE project with the girls from Maji bookshelf. Hopefully sometime next week we will be ready to make an announcment so stay tuned! 

Crossed by Ally Condie
My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody
Sass and Serendipity by Jennifer Zeigler
Vixen by Jillian Larkin
The Time Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky
The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement-Moore 

That's all I got in my mail box this week. If you've read any of these books I'd love to know what you thought about them. You can leave me a link in the comments section to your IMM post, or just let me know in the comments what you got this week!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Fall Read-a-thon

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hey Everyone!

This week the girls from Maji Bookshelf and I are hosting a Read-a-thon. We mostly did this for us, but if anyone wants to join in you are absolutely welcome to! :)

The Read-a-thon officialy starts today! Yay!!! *cheers and throws confetti* I am sooo excited! Eeek!

The last read-a-thon I participated in I was able to read 3 books in a wk! So for this read-a-thon I am upping it to 4! I'd love to do more but one of my best friends is getting married tomorrow, and it might be considered bad manners to read durring the ceremony! lol

I will be making it a goal to visit the blog's of everyone who participates with us and comments on both of our blogs during this period, whether they participate or not!

I will also be making it a goal to only read at least one book off of my netgalley  TBR list!

Crossed by Ally Condie
Never Have I Ever by Sarah Shephard
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
Ingenue by Jillian Larkin
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
You Against Me by Jenny Downham
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
Hushed - Net Galley
Cinder - Net Galley
Every Other Day- Net Galley
If I Tell - Net Galley
The Juliet Spell - Net Galley

If you are participating don't forget to leave me a link to your starting post in the comments section.

Now ready, set , and.....gooooooooooo!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Princess of Storyland & Maji Bookshelf Fall Readathon

Hey guys! As many of you know I LOVE readathons! It's a great way for me to push myself and get some much needed reading done! I participated in 2 in October and LOVED it! Juhina from Maji Bookshelf and I decided to host our own readathon this month! Mostly we started this because there weren't any readathons going on durring the time of Juhina's break from uni. So we decided to make our own! You guys are more than welcome to join us in our  Read-a-thon, we would love to have you! :)

Thank you Juhina for making us this super cute button! I love it!!! :)

Now as you can tell, this Read-a-thon will start tomorrow November 3 through November 10th! There is no need to read 24/7 just whatever you can manage!

1. Set a goal of how many books you would like to read durring the Read-a-thon. Try to aim for a little bit more than you normally would! 
2. List the books you want to read, so we can compare and go oh-la-la over your picks!
3. Comment here or on Maji Bookshelf that you want to participate. We aren't expecting anyone else to join in, but you are more than welcome to if you'd like!
4.Post an update every day or whenever you have time and happy reading! :)

Here are a few of my picks for the Read-a-thon

I will put up my Fall Read-a-thon post tomorrow when it starts with my full list and goals! 

P.S. We are planning a  BIG Read-a-thon towards the begining of the year so stay tuned for that!

Waiting on Wednesday (2)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill atBreaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week what I am eagerly awaiting is Love and Leftovers by Sarah Tregay

The cover is super cute! The story sounds awesome and this book is told in verse! What could be better? :)

Don't forget to leave me a comment and let me know what your WOW pick is this wk or leave a link to your own WOW post! 

Happy Reading!

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About me

  • This blog is a little bit of everything!
  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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