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Friday, February 10, 2012

Fracture by Megan Miranda
Release Date: January 17,2012
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Age Group:  YA
Pages: 272
Format: Hardback
Source: Own
Interest: Debut Author
Challenge: 2012 Debut Author Challenge. 2012 Reading Challenge
Buy The Book: Amazon

Eleven minutes passed before Delaney Maxwell was pulled from the icy waters of a Maine lake by her best friend Decker Phillips. By then her heart had stopped beating. Her brain had stopped working. She was dead. And yet she somehow defied medical precedent to come back seemingly fine-despite the scans that showed significant brain damage. Everyone wants Delaney to be all right, but she knows she's far from normal. Pulled by strange sensations she can't control or explain, Delaney finds herself drawn to the dying. Is her altered brain now predicting death, or causing it?

Then Delaney meets Troy Varga, who recently emerged from a coma with similar abilities. At first she's reassured to find someone who understands the strangeness of her new existence, but Delaney soon discovers that Troy's motives aren't quite what she thought. Is their gift a miracle, a freak of nature-or something much more frightening?

Fellow book blogger, Mindy highly recommended this one to me. It was definitely on my to read list, when Mindy sent me a signed copy it was the final push I needed to finally give it a shot. 

Just as Mindy predicted, I loved it! Fracture is such an amazing debut novel! 

I LOVED that this book was a stand-alone! It seems like every time I read a YA book, they are quickly turned into trilogies, series, etc. Then before you know it, prequels, and in-between-quels pop up. It gets frustrating at times, keeping up with the story and the release dates of everything. So I thoroughly enjoyed reading a stand-alone novel for a change!

The story hooked me right from the beginning. Right away from the first 5 pages they get right into the heart of it, which I loved! I hate stories that drag on endlessly and take forever to get to the part of the story that we all read about on the jacket sleeve. Does anyone else hate that too?

Anyways, I totally got sucked into the story and the emotions of the character's. I felt so bad for Delaney and how over protective her family is of her after the accident. At times it was totally ridiculous and I don't think I could've handled it as well as she did. If my mother told me I wasn't allowed to turn on the oven, I think I would've had a fit the size of Texas! I felt so sorry for Decker, and couldn't imagine the guilt and mental anguish he went through. Knowing if he hadn't made Delaney cross the ice with him, that never would've happened! And then there was the whole love story issue. *sighs* Three love interests at ONE time??? That poor, poor girl! It's shocking that she didn't go right back into a coma from the emotional overload! 

Okay, I'll stop myself there, because I love this book and I could literally go on and on talking about the amazing plot. But, I won't bore you! But I WILL encourage you go out and read it for yourself!

Fracture was such a refreshing break and an incredible debut novel! It was unpredictable, emotional, suspenseful, and raw. I can't recommend this one enough!


  1. So glad you loved it. I thought it was a great book too, and I was happy that it was a stand alone. It's a refreshing change from having to keep up with a series, and wait for what seems like forever for the next book. Wonderful review!

  2. Great review! I'm looking forward to read this book.

  3. I just got this book and I'm dying to read it! Your review makes me want to read it even more! :D

    And I'm stopping by to let you know that I tagged you in my book tag! So if you want to stop by and see, here's the link:



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