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Bout of Books Read-a-thon

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hey Everyone!

Over the weekend I participated in my first read-a-thon and LOVED it! Unfortunatley I had forgotten about it and didn't get to participate much reading wise. So while visiting blogs, and commenting this morning I stumbled across another Read-a-thon! * cheers and throws confetti*

I LOVE Read-a-thons! I've been in a slump lately. I used to read 4 books a week, and now I've slowed down to 1. It's not because I don't want to read, I've just gotten lazy and easily distracted. I blame it on all the good tv shows that came out! I loved participating in the Dewey Read-a-thon because it totally made me consciouce of how much I was, or in my case, wasn't reading!

The thing that I LOVE about the Bout of Books Read-a-thon is that even though it is over the course of a week, you are in no way comitted to reading all day long, for an entire week! Which is perfect for people who have jobs, families, etc and can't devote entire days to reading. Read what you can when you can, its that simple! And along the way you can network and meet other bloggers, participate in challenges and enter to win some awesome stuff!

So if your like me, and your going to be reading this week anyways, why not sign up! Click on the button below to sign up and get more info about the Bout of Books Read-a-thon!

So technically the Read-a-thon started yesterday. I just found out about it today so I'm getting a bit of a late start with my starting post. ( does that sound a little bit familiar? What is it with me and being late for Read-a-thons???)  So here goes!

Time Devoted to Reading
I will be committing myself to reading the entire week. Not all in one sitting of course! I think my eyes may fall out if I did. But I will be reading throghout the week with a conscouce effort as to how much I am reading! Hence the following goals!

My Goals

  • 3 books minimum. But I'm shooting for 7 .My ultimate goal is 9 books!  Can she do it? Can she??? Haha I guess we will have to wait and see!
  • Comment on at least 2 participants blogs a day! 
  • Make a dent in my TBR pile
  • Have fun!
Books To Read
  • The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
  • Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin
  • Willow by Julia Hoban
  • Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
  • Shine by Lauren Myracle
  • Amy and Rodger's Epic Detour
  • Shatter Me 
  • Wither
  • Forgive my Fins by Tera Lynn Childs
  • Every You, Every Me by David Levathin
  • Liesel and Po by Lauren Oliver
  • Dark Parties
  • The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
  • Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I haven't decided yet if all of my updates will be done on this original post, or seperately. So stay tuned!
thank goodness I read yesterday! Granted I didn't read the book all in one day, but I DID finish it! So it totally counts!!!
Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Today #insixwords: Carrier of the Mark was breathtaking!
Books: Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon

So I spent pretty much my entire day at the dentist office getting 4 cavaties filled. They were so bad I was there for 6 hours. Once all the decay was removed I virtually had no tooth left. So they had to construct a form out of a steel plate, brackets and other items, and then fill it in and go back and fine tune it. So basically I had 4 teeth gutted and then totally reconstructed. After 6 hours of that, I got home exhausted and slept for 15 hours. So...needless to say I got very very little reading done :(  
Number of books I’ve read today:  only about 15 pages. I didn't get to power through an entire book like I was hoping to do
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Today #insixwords: I'll take care of my teeth!
Books: Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon


  1. You have some great books on your list! Good luck with your goal! :)

  2. Great pile of books for this readathon! im keeping my eyes out for a readathon starting around nov3 cuz that is when my spring break is. Next week ive got tons of midterms so barely time to read.

    Looking forward to your reviews! :D

    - juhina

  3. Hi Cristina, you have some awesome books on your TBR! I've read Shine a few months ago, and I was quite impressed by it.

    Hope you enjoy the readathon! (:

    Nyx Book Reviews

  4. Reading in Winter- Thank you!!! I really do! Hopefully I can make a dent in them! Altho right now I'm not making much progress

    Juhina- I am loving readathons! Ever since the first one I am hooked! Life gets in the way and I don't always read as much as I would have liked. But it really helps push me to make more of an effort! I would LOVE to do one everymonth, so if you stumble across one for November let me know! And if not we can always do our own little Read-A-Thon! :)

    Celine- I've heard so many wonderful things about Shine. I was dying to read it after I finished Carrier of the Mark but I made myself start Shatter Me, in hopes that I'd finish it quickly so I could read Shine! lol


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  • This blog is a little bit of everything!
  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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