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In My Mailbox (4)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi the storysiren. This is where us bloggers get a chance to show you what we got this wk! Bookish related of course!

So, as some of you know (if you read the previous post/posts) my shower broke last night! :(  If you didn't read the previous post, and didn't know it, MY SHOWER BROKE! lol So, now you know!

Your probably wondering why that even matters? Am I right? Well, no shower = no bath! Which ='s no IMM Vlog this week! Which is sad because I really look forward to my weekly Vlog's! Even if no one else does! So I suppose this also includes no videos of me...playing with books this week either! I know, darn! lol

I would also like to insert here that the whole shower breaking (literally)/epic tragedy moment is all Farah's fault!!! Yep, that's right Farah, YOU! The Farah of Maji Bookshelf !!! (which is a totally cute blog btw and you should go check it out, even if Farah did totally break my shower! ) She decided to put a jinx on me via twitter last night! lol Lo and behold, half an hour later and the shower handle broke off with the water going full blast, and I was running around screeching HELP!!!! lol

Yep, there's the proof! The handle is gone. *insert sad face here* Unfortunately not only did the whole handle thingy break off, but the piece that turns the water off did too! So...that was why I was sceeching HELP!!! I was nearly about to flood the bathroom! Thankfully Dad came to the rescue! Unfortunately, because the little part that turns off the water broke off too, not even a wrench could turn the floodgates off. Yep, it was that broken! So...the holes had to be plugged, which seems to be holding temporarily. Hopefully, *fingers crossed* we can find the same exact shower part, and just replace it. If not, there was some talk of...having to rip out a hole in my sister's closet to get to the shower and rip it out and replace it. =/ So...the moral of this long story is, my shower is broken!!! Also, whatever you do, do NOT let Farah jinx you!!!

Ok now on to what I got In My Mailbox this week!

My good friend Krystal send me a copy of Sugar and Spice by Lauren Conrad! Yay!!!! I have the first one, so now I just need the second one to complete my collection!!!

I also entered a contest and won a copy of The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson. Thank you to Jen at JenryLand  I saw Mary at the ATBF and sat in on her panel. I was dying to buy this book and get it signed, but I couldn't afford it. So yay!! Thakn you Jen! Now I just need to get my hands on the first bk and I'll be good to go!

Shine by Lauren Myrcle ok first of all, Lauren is like, one of my favorite authors of all time! Seriously!!! ANd this book looks incredible!!! I wish I could do a Vlog this wk to show you all its awesomeness! But...I can't. So hopefully I can sneak it in next week!
Amy and Rodger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
So last week I bought If I Stay at Target. Unfortunately when I went to show it on my IMM I noticed the pages were coming apart and I hadn't even read it yet. I took it back to exchange it, and...the store was out! So I got my money back and went next door to Hastings, and go the LAST copy of Carrier of the Mark, which was the book I REALLLY wanted anyways, but Target didn't have! So SCORE! Altho, now I need to acquire If I Stay again! lol

Ok so thats it for me this week! I can't wait to hear what you got in your mailbox this week! So make sure you leave a comment with the link to your IMM!

Happy Reading everyone and have a fantastic weekend!!!!


    And niiicee books!! your gonna enjoy Amy and roger's detour book, its a really cute book!
    Hahah have fun! and sorry for my jinx! LOL

  2. Wow-- I'm so excited to play a small part in someone's "In My Mailbox." Glad your book arrived and I really hope you enjoy it!
    Sorry about the shower. Those Twitter jinxes can be serious stuff ;)

  3. Amy and Roger's epic detour is so cute! must read it :D

    and yeay, ur also winning contests now too :D

    - juhina

    p.s: poor bath tub

  4. Farah- I wanted to cry into a tub of Ben and Jerry's last night when it happened. This morning I couldn't stop laughing everytime I went into the bathrom and saw my poor shower, and plugs inserted into the pipes to hold back the floodgates! LOL Priceless blogging moment!!! rofl

    Jen- Twitter Jinx's are for sure the worst of thir kind! lol Awww I LOVE to mention awesome ppl in my blog! Especially the awesome ppl of the variety who do NOT jinx me and break my shower! lol I'm so glad you saw it!!! And thanks again sooo much for the book! You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to read it! You made my entire MONTH!!!

    Juhina- I know :( Poor tub. *sighs* I saw the review you had done on this one, and I believe it's also in your top 10 fave books! ( I think.... am I right?) So yeah I put in a request to get it at the library so I could read all of its epicness!!! :) I can't wait!!! p.s. beware of your sister!!!

  5. Oh, lordie! What a way to spend the weekend! Fingers crossed that you do find the correct part (I have an older home & it's always a pain to find exactly what I need).

    Anyway, I LOVED Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. Holy cow, I love a good road trip story. Enjoy your lovely reads!

  6. Our home is fairly new. We built it ourselves. But gosh, I hate when they stop making things!

    I've heard soooo many good things about that book! And I love a good roadtrip! It's been a while since I've been on one!

  7. First, that sucks about your shower experience! I thought that kind of stuff only happens to me :)

    Second, I am so jealous of all the awesomeness you got this week! All of these books are on my desperately-want list. I hope you enjoy them all!!

    Thank you for stopping by Book Cover Justice :)

  8. Tiffany- Your welcome! Your site is awesome!!! And no, that kind of thing happens to me too! All the time! lol So don't despair! hehe I really love my IMM this wk!!! :)

  9. Shine is AMAZING! I absolutely LOVED it! And I have a pretty shiny *signed* copy that sits on my shelf so trust me, I know the beauty!
    Amy and Roger is REALLY good and you NEED to get If I Stay cause it's AMAZING! Awesome book week!

  10. Thank you!!! Lauren Myracle is one of my favorite authors! Period! And this book...*sigh* well you understand! I would DIE for a signed copy! Somehow she was at TLA in April and I missed her! How I dont know how that happened, I was there all 3 days! I was FINALLY able to buy another copy of If I Stay, that didn't have pages falling apart, so YAY!!! It will be back in my mailbox, for a third time this weekend! haha


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  • Hi! My name is Cristina, I am 29 years old and from Texas! I love my bunnies, books and blogging about my favorite things!
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